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Customer Service: Giving Your Customers the R.O.Y.A.L. Treatment

90 Minutes
6 months
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Recorded Version

$195. One Participant

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This webinar shares effective ways to WOW your customers so they keep coming back time after time. Effective customer service is a fine art that can be learned and employees as well as business owners can benefit from to making themselves more effective at handling customer interactions and building long-lasting relationships and lifetime customers.

Why should you attend:
  • It costs five times more to get a new customer than to keep an existing customer, and it becomes easier to sell an existing client the longer they stay with you. These are called "lifetime customers."
  • This webinar covers the five rules of exceptional customer service and demonstrates how easy it can be to make our customers feel like royalty.
  • If we treat our customer's right they will come back. If we don't they will go to the competition.

Areas Covered in the Session:
  • How to properly recognize a customer even when you are taking care of another. This technique will help you determine priorities especially in a world of multiple and simultaneous entries from customers
  • How to keep from giving our valuable customers the run-around and how to make good on your promises. It's more than just the warranty. It's the right thing to do.
  • Attitude is a 100% proposition. If you have"stinking thinking" your customer will pick up on it and treat you accordingly. In addition you risk losing someone that is paying your salary.
  • Offer alternatives. More than just"Company Policy" which sounds like nails on a white-board to your customer? Learn how working it out satisfies both parties. What are"gimmies" if you absolutely can't
  • Finally, you'll learn how to leave your customer wanting more and coming back time after time.

Who Will Benefit:
  • President and CEO
  • COO
  • CFO
  • Vice Presidents of Sales or Customer Service
  • Sales or Customer Service Manager
  • Customer Service Representatives
  • Technical Representatives

Carlos Conejo Certified Six Sigma Black Belt, presents proven strategies that can be implemented by serious, transformation-oriented organizations as they pursue serious growth and expansive initiatives. Conejo's style is high-energy and highly-interactive. He presents the material in a no nonsense way, lucidly delivering practical take-away experiences and "best practices" that can be immediately implemented and shared with regard to specific examples from corporate America that have been used to drive all levels of the organization. Carlos Conejo is a highly sought after management consultant, speaker and author on workforce and organizational development.

Mr. Conejo conducts major work internationally in the areas of organizational development teambuilding, Lean and Six Sigma Methodologies. In 2004, he was named one of the top U.S. Hispanic speakers by the independent firm of MarketData. A graduate of Pepperdine and Villanova Universities. Mr. Conejo has held successful careers in Sales, Marketing and Product Management for almost 20 years. He has a booming management consulting practice in Thousand Oaks, California. Mr. Conejo has been lecturing and consulting internationally on management, supervision, organizational development, and multicultural issues in Canada, Puerto Rico, and The United Kingdom, presenting to thousands of people from various organizations and companies.

He has also been featured on the Lifetime Channel, KNBC-TV, and numerous other national television and radio shows. Many corporations and associations have successfully utilized his book titled, Motivating Hispanic Employees: A Practical Guide to Understanding & Managing Hispanic Employees.

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